Illegal Adoptions Worldwide

Crimes of Religion and State extend far beyond the avalanche of clergy sexual abuse recently being published. In fact, religion has managed to cover up their crimes by establishing a well orchestrated scheme involving the most powerful figures in social, political and economic structures. Take a close look at the Illegal Adoptions scheme recently unveiled by the Protect Your Children Foundation

Widespread Operation: Catholic Church forced unwed mothers to give up their babies for adoption

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

There is an interesting book called "Gone to an Aunt's" by Anne Petrie that clearly illustrates how unmarried pregnant women were made to feel ashamed for being pregnant outside of wedlock. Petrie tells a first-hand story of 6 women that were forced to live through this.

These religious maternity homes were rigid, the women had to hide, the institutions were very secretive and the women were forced to give up their names (just like the nuns forced women to do the same the corrupt "Magdalene Laundries") - all so that they wouldnt find out they were part of an organized crime scheme. Throughout their stay in these maternity homes, the nuns would manipulate them into wanting to give up their babies, telling them it was a "way into heaven" or that the children were "bastards" and if they really loved them, they would give them up.
The nuns made astronomical profits from the following sources of income:

1) The funds received from the gov't for each woman they housed

2) The funds received from companies that sponsored these homes

3) The funds received from some homes that charged per stay or meal

4) The funds received from the sale of each baby sold in adoption

5) The funds received from each child placed in catholic orphanages, receiving govt funds from each baby per day.

6) The funds received from the men they tracked down and forced to pay for the stay of the woman they impregnated

7) The funds saved for the upkeeping of these homes since the women were forced to work, clean freely, and to earn their stay. In many cases, the women had to do the laundry of the catholic hospitals that were normally built beside these secretive homes were the pregnant girls were hidden.

The Protect Your Children Foundation is exposing this organized crime and dishonest gains generated by religion in making women feel ashamed as they were falsely told they were "sinners" and a "shame to society", when the Bible clearly states that sin was removed once and forever by God's sacrifice on the cross. Throughout history, they have used this excuse to take money away from people, filling their pockets with dishonest gains.

The Protect Your Children Foundation invites you to take a look at the organized crime schemes orchestrated by the Catholic Church:





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Unwed mothers made feel like sinners and forced to give their babies unto adoption

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The world is learning about the scheme of illegal adoptions put in place by the Catholic Church worldwide.

The Catholic nuns found a profitable business in making unwed mothers feel like sinners for getting pregnant out of wedlock and forced them to give up their babies unto adoption for a so-called "better life" or for "forgiveness". Innocent women believed the lies of the nuns and were made to feel very guilty and selfish or evil if they wanted to keep their child, making them feel like this was in the best interest of the child, just so that they could take the child and make astronomical profits in selling them into adoption. So much so, that the Catholic nuns started making a great business by creating mother-baby homes everywhere, offering shelter to pregnant unwed mothers with the mission of taking their baby. They would give them shelter and even hide them during the length of their pregnancy because in this manner, they would receive money from the government per woman, also some corporations donated money to these houses, and in cases they even went after the father of the child and asked them to pay for the woman's stay. In other cases, if the woman did not give up their baby, the catholic nuns would simply drug them and steal the baby, and tell the mother that the baby had been stillborn.
As time went on, the nuns were no longer the ones to council these women, "case workers" started springing up and they too would force the women to give up their child for adoption. The Church and State work hand in hand to cover up crimes against humanity for profit.

This is how Mercy hospitals started spring up worldwide and other catholic hospitals around the world - from the astronomical profits that the Catholic Nuns were generating from hiding the unwed mothers, opening up orphanages and receiving government funds per baby, and the sale of babies into adoption.

As the Catholic Church tries to hide their tracks, you will see that in the 60's, 70's, 80's they started changing the names of these Catholic hospitals into "General" Hospitals of cities. But look into their history and most of the hospitals have been started by a nun and as a Maternity Hospital - and now you know why.

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The sisters of mercy - who were responsible for torturing over 30,000 women in Ireland in Magdalene Laundries - are being exposed further, this time in Australia.
Over 150,000 women were drugged, and nuns either forced into giving up their babies for adoptions or the babies were stolen.
This same baby trafficking scheme and evil adoption scheme was put in place by the Sisters of Mercy and other Catholic Nun orders across the world, including Ireland, USA, Canada, Spain and more.

Sorry is NOT enough! The systematic baby trafficking scheme put in place by the Catholic Church worldwide as a means of generating astronomical profits is finally being exposed.

The Protect Your Children Foundation invites you to take a look at the organized crime schemes orchestrated by the Catholic Church:




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Single Mothers forced to give up their babies for adoptions by nuns who considered them illegitimate

Friday, November 4, 2011


Native Canadian children sento to boarding schools or sold for adoption

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Marion Howe given for adoption illegally or killed by nuns?




We present the shocking statistics of money that the Catholic Church receives, this list denotes money only from Italy.
Below are the links where you will find information in different languages.

Evidence showing corrupt money that bleeds the people and is used to cover up pedophile priests, crimes against humanity. ITALIANO INGLES PORTUGUES ESPANOL

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